Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Wetland Importance

Have you ever driven or hiked by a swamp or marsh and think, is there any real use for these areas? The answer....YES! Check out these facts;

1. In North America, 50% of the 188 endangered or threatened animals are wetland dependent.
2. Fresh water wetlands cover only 1% of the world's surface yet they support more than 40% of all plant and animal species.
3. Wetlands contribute 70 billion annually to our economy through hunting and wildlife watching.
4. An additional 42 billion is added to our economy by our fishing community.

Ducks Unlimited reports that wetlands associated with lakes and rivers capture and retain water, shortening the duration and reducing the severity of floods. Wetlands also play a huge role in purifying water by removing nitrogen, phosphorus and some toxic chemicals.

Wetlands also recharge our ground water. Water that collects in these wetland basins percolates through the soil into the underlying aquifer.

So the next time you pass a wetland, remember the importance of these areas. The ecosystem is complex and these areas are a very important part of the puzzle.

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