Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Fish Through the Ice

Icefishing is in full gear. But there are dangers when icefishing, following are some tips to make that fishing trip enjoyable and safe;

Icefishing Tip #1 - Always communicate your fishing plans with someone. By letting someone know where you are fishing is common sense. This way, in the event that there is a problem they will know where to look for you.

Icefishing Tip #2 - If you own a cell phone, CB, or other communications device, take it with you! 

Icefishing Tip #3 -  Always take along more clothing than what you think you'll need. If the wind picks up or you slip and fall in slush and water, it will be nice to have an extra set of clothes.

Icefishing Tip #4 - Before gearing up, wait to hit the ice until there is a minimum of 4-inches of solid ice. A wise man once said " If the ice is white, your all right. If the ice is clear you better fear". Make sure you have enough ice!

Icefishing Tip #5 -  Always hit the ice with a friend. This gives you and he/she a way out, should disaster strike.We've heard this since we were kids, safety in numbers.

Be safe and catch the big one!


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