Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Conservation Heroes

The definition of Conservation -
The protection, preservation, management, or restoration of natural environments and the ecological communities that inhabit them.

Sounds like a daunting task.....it is. We would have lost millions of acres if it weren't for the men and women who give they're efforts in the battle to preserve our great outdoors. Some of these heroes do the work on a volunteer basis, setting up charitable events to raise money for different organizations that preserve acres upon acres of land. Some of these heroes get paid for what they do, studies on loss of habitat for certain species or game management to keep herds of wildlife strong. How important are these individuals?

Let's take a look at some leading organizations that are helping to preserve the wilds of America;

Ducks Unlimited - Started in 1937, restored and preserved 4.28 million acres in US.

Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation - Started 1984, preserved over 600,000 acres.

Trout Unlimited - Started 1961, over 10,000 miles of rivers restored.

Coral Reef Conservation Program - Currently working on 180 projects in 30 countries to restore coral reefs.

This is just a small sample of the efforts that surround us. It's so easy to take the outdoors for granted and not realize that there are thousands of individuals behind the preservation of these outdoors. 

What's the definition of a hero? For this topic of Conservation...one who goes to extraordinary efforts to bring awareness to the public of the dangers that our great outdoors face everyday. One who gives extraordinary efforts to raise money for these organizations so these precious lands and waterways will be there for our children to enjoy.
Heroes?..........You bet!

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